martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

Preventive measures in construction.

Occupational accident rates place the construction sector in a first position of accidents with respect to other activities.

  • Inform workers about the hazards at work and control measures to be followed and provide the necessary training to perform each task.
  • Signal indicating all the work pathways vehicle traffic .
  • Use safety devices mandatory machine (sound and protective signals) and check its proper functioning.
  • Install hoists and so that its strength and stability are guaranteed.
  • Use mechanical handling equipment loading and eliminate , where possible , manual handling .

  • Must grant priority to measures that eliminate or reduce risk in origin and provide collective protection .
  •  Provide personal protective equipment (eg helmets, safety harnesses , eye and respiratory protection , safety shoes, etc. ) appropriate for the risks and provided that they can not be avoided by other means.
  •   Ensuring a safe working environment and hygiene services and welfare for construction workers , for example , access, safe means of circulation.

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